Friday, July 26, 2024

Requirements for Article Publish

1. Content length should be a minimum of 500+ words and 100% Unique.

2. Kindly check your content at http://www.quetext.comor before submitting it.

3. If plagiarism is found in any of the articles uploaded to our website, those articles will be removed without prior notice.

4. Send an HD image relevant to your post.

5. Use proper headings, Bullet points.

6. You should include a Meta description, focus keyword, and featured image with your article.

7. We strictly prohibit posts about illegal topics (casinos/medical/bitcoin/vape/CBD, porn links, etc).

8. You may only link to one article at a time. The linking website must have a spam score of less than 5%.

9.A well-written, SEO-optimized article is helpful for both parties.